Ah..Yes.... A Wonderful time indeed... Baseball is gearing up for it's stretch drive, and The Yankees are climbing to respectability... The NFL has opened Training Camps, and the JETS are looking like this is the year to slay the Patriot Dragon, (Please Note: Biased JET Fan at the helm). The weather is Great.... I got my health... What more can I ask for??
Actually, quite a bit more.... but this isn't a Personal rant station, it's a simple Blog about ...whatever... I don't want to alienate my readers, (you both know who you are)...
Let's get to the Yankees... Phil Hughes just came back, and we know he'll be around a long time... But they just called up Joba Chamberlain, An American Indian that throws it approximately 234 mph, Ok maybe I exaggerated a hair... This kid looks like a Defensive Lineman from the University of Nebraska... Let's see what he does with his Wampum Arm....
With 50 or so games to play, the Yankees are definitely in the hunt. We want the Division Crown, but I guess we'll settle for the Wild Card ticket. The Bats have come alive. A-Rod has gotten the Big Number Monkey off his muscular back and is ready to power up for the stretch. Jeter, stellar and a consumate Yankee pro, is doing what he always does... Posada, having the time of his life, is swinging a hot branch these days. Matsui, Abreu, Melky & Cano are tuned in... With Giambi coming back soon and the kids in the bullpen, I feel giddy, Geez, I almost welcome Carl Pavano back.... well....almost....
Hovering over Hofstra University out on the Island, Eric Man-Genius has his Training Camp II where he wants to be. The players know what to expect and almost all of them have prepared for it. Mangini has opened the workload door almost halfway. These Jets, much like last year, will not quit, they play hard, play as a team and have all been sold on the Program... Except of course Darrelle Revis & Pete Kendall..

My take on these two are as follows: Revis, sign the friggin' contract 5 or 6 years, who cares, you could be injured in week 2 and done...
Pete... because I'm a loyal guy, maybe too loyal... you deserve the money... He earned it, playing hurt, taking a restructure deal, and grooming his linemates to take his job... What's a Million bucks mean... Nothing, raise the soda 20 more cents, in the Stadium... That can easily cover it...
Now it's easy for me to preach, so I will.... Darrelle, sign the contract buddy... The longer you wait the longer it takes you to break into the lineup.. You are playing in the biggest stage in the world, East Rutherford... check that... NYC area. Your endorsement capabilities are immense.. get your butt into camp and start doing what we all know you can DO...
I'm signing off for now... I gotta go run a restaurant....
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