Get your tissues out... you may tear up a little... God knows I have in the past few days....
It's a simple story, sad, happy, and all in between...
Back in June of 2005, The Fan Restaurant & Sports Bar opened for business... Warren, Steve & Sal opened up Woodbridge CT's only sports bar. They asked me to be the GM, with ownership in regard to profit sharing after the first year. It was a great place, fun to see it develop from ideas to construction to opening and to being very busy. We had some hiccups in the early stages, there were town political issu

We had some memorable days, memorable nights, great fun, jokes, laughs, and of course tears...
The hiring process was an adventure. We overstaffed in the beginning hoping to find diamonds in the rough.. We found some granite, marble and the occasional slate, but yes we did find a few diamonds, some flawed, but diamonds nonetheless.
I remember that first week so vividly, I lost 20 lbs, along with my voice, (rundown from lack of sleep and food).

The original crew was great! We formed a bond early, as everything was new, we grew together as a team and we had fun. We fun, after one of our first Employee meetings, Vinny (the chef) and I spoke, telling everyone the correct ways for things to be done, then we let the floor open from comments from the owners... It was as this point that Warren said.. "When I come in here I wanted to be treated like royalty...you know like the President of the United States". Well kids we had a field day with that one, Elissa, a/k/a Red, brought in an old wall phone of her moms that was red, so we had it by the corner of the bar,

We hired all 3 Connolly kids, Nora first, then Luke as a busboy, the Sophie after she finished college. A great family, thx Tom & Lucia for rasing good kids... Nora was pushed on me by my neice Briana, who swore she was a hard worker and a great addition to the team, the first time I met Nora, she looked a deer in the headlights, wide eyed and very attentive, once I got to know her she was as crazy (in a good way) as anyone. This one time, Lucia, (the mom) had brought her mom in for lunch, Nora was the server, Luke our busboy. This particular day Lu

"Nora...honey, here..take some money"... while she was holding a 20 dollar bill..
"No, No grams.. I can't take your money" as she cleared some plates and headed back to the kitchen, it was at this point that Luke wandered intobefore... wiping the chairs down, straightening the tables, when Constance noticed her grandson working so diligently, reached into her purse, pulled out a 5 spot and waved it towards Luke and said,
"Here honey... " like a lion pouncing on it's prey, Luke swiped the $5 out of his grandmothers hands and said.
"Thanks Gram.." and proceeded to do nothing the rest of the day but try and get Andrea (one of our servers) to go out with him...
We had fun here... and there's a million more stories, but this blog spot could go on forever...

All in all we had a great staff, Billy Cal was hired to run the bar, he and the Grifftone were our Friday night barkeeps. Leigh-Loo, who went to school at SCSU but lived in Buffalo, her parents would make the 6 1/2 hour trip to see her every few months, (Good People). Courtney & Carly, Lindsay, Kaitlin, Molly Alana, Jen Q40, Andrea, Laura and many more, too many to mention. We had the the best looking and most talented hostesses this side of the Connecticut River, Kelly, Celia, Kristy, etc... and some of the worst busboys ever... Freddy, Jesse, Dan, Mike, LOL... they all got good right before they left...

Our bartenders were works of art, Nicole, Chrissy, Erica, Ashcan, and of course Danielle. Each one more special than the other...
In their own

In the end, it was Augustine, our faithful dishwasher, who worked hard every day... Mario our Head Chef, and first hire back in 2005, Oswaldo, Freddy, Paulo, all good workers.
And of course our servers at the end, who witnessed and had to endure the end. Taryn, who never did punch a customer, but threatened to too many a time. And who would entertain me by labeling each

would drive home from school to work, and l

So anyhoo... the last day was a sad one indeed, but a great way to go out.... (Take that pee break now.... )...
Saturday, April 18th was our last day... I woke up at my sisters a little after 8am, too early, but I had a tough time sleeping. I got my DD coffee and opened the door at 10am, so the crew could prep the place for business.
I have to admit, I'm a sentimental guy, very careing, etc... but I'm not known as a cryer... Sure I well up at funerals... but who doesn't... besides, I 've been to too many, so I have numbed myself of that emotion... But I have to admit... by 11:26am, I had cried 6 times... Jeezz.. I'm a wuss...
Alot of emotions running thru me, in as I thought back on the past 4
I got a few text messages in the morning wishing me good luck and some positive reinforcements...
I get my first call from Warren... speaking somber in a low voice that there isn't enough "Density in Woodbridge" to keep it going at this location..
I was then visited by Mark Bollard, a/k/a "Bully"... Then Mike Morris a/k/a "Bigs" stopped in... Then Steve, a/k/a "Large", it was at this point as I'm grabbing the rest of the dwindling liquor stock to the bar, when I picked up the case of Da Vinci's Chianti, the bottom of the box opens up, 8 bottles smash to the ground, but not before one breaks my big toe on my left toe, (but not to gross out Taryn, there will not be a photo of that). As tough and strong a woman as she is, and much like Superman with the Kyrptonite, feet is not something she can handle...
Doug DiLorenzo and his daughter Jenna stop in to give me a Bethwood Softball golf shirt as a present, (Thx to them eating with us for all four years) at the time when the red wine is seeping thru the liquor closet wall.. That's when Steve starts talking about Moses and the Nile of blood... (You had to be there)... He was just happy I had less to get rid of after we closed...LOL...
Bailey, Warren's daughter, stopped in to say hi to Taryn, and was dissappointed that she wasn't arriving until 1:30pm. She then sat in the dinning room and told me if the restaurant was her house she would put the living room here, kitchen here.. my office would be a closet for her clothes, and she would add an indoor swimming pool. Not what I wanted to hear on this morning... but if you know Bailey, she's the nicest kid in the world... You know there was no ill will meant...
Warren's wife Alicia came in to get Bailey, looking tired, drained and ripped.... She's competing next week for a bodybuilding Figure Competition and this is the last week of her diet and training, (handclapping please), she's gonna do great!!

It's now 1pm, the New York Rangers and the Washington Capitals are playing game two in the opening round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. So our first guests of the day are John & Ray wearing their Yankee shirts proudly, and their friend Tony wearing the ugliest Red Sox you can imagine... Actually, any Red Sox shirt is ugly...but that's just my opinion.
We have no kitchen staff, so I tell them popcorns free... (It's been free from day one)...

Taryn shows up in ripped jeans and a homemade shirt she made that says, "I Love the Fan" with her name on the back and a matching shirt for her adorable son Wyatt with "Rookie" blazed on the back of his... Yeah she asked if she could wear jeans on the last day.... and before I could say yes, she says, "What... are you gonna fire me??" Needless to say that's not an option... It's the last day the heck with it. (she made me a shirt too, XXL in Black of course with a captains "C" on it) Thx :)

She has no babysitter until 3 ish or so, so that's why Wyatt was with her, he loved coming to the Fan he always got his coloring book and crayons, cup of Sprite, (Excellent for blowing bubbles thru the straw), and Popcorn. Usually he's happy to be here, and for a moment I thought he was sad too. But one look at his shaved head..... I realized he still hadn't forgave his mom for the buzzcut... I just hope 20 years from now he remembers how much fun it was to visit the restaurant.

So since I don't have a kitchen staff until Mario wakes up and comes in (He worked the night before until 10pm, then slept a little and went to his other job from 2am to 10am) Ray, John & Tony, (but who care what Tony thinks, he's a Red Sox fan) are starving. So I offer to buy lunch at 5 Guys Hamburgers if John goes and gets it... Sixty eight dollars later, with greasy fries and cheeseburgers and hotdogs we chow down our last meal at the Fan, (made down the street though...)
Dave Camacho & Pigpen, err I mean Steve come in, I think Steve has a drinking problem, I'm not sure, but in 4 years I never saw him sober... but today he's outside smoking a cigarette, with NO baseball hat on, and for a fleeting moment, I swear it's Jack Nicholson. Dave and I laugh about that one, that on the Fan's Last day we finally got a celebrity to stop in...
The Rangers win to go 2 games up on the Caps, and we start getting busy... Oh it's gonna be crazy I can feel it. Kasey comes in after helping Uncle Wayne at The UNH Spring Football game cookout, complaining of BBQ smoked eyes. and exhausted from class the day before at Rutgers in NJ and the FAST drive to CT to do a double on Friday night.

The night gets heated up, and it's wall to wall people, if every night was like that we'd be millionaires by now... Steve & I joke that we should have spread the rumor of us closing every other week for the past 4 years... That would have been tremendous marketing!!
BudLight Mike & Diane, (whom met at the FAN, and are getting married this year) Paul Hennessy & Rick came in to say their goodbyes. BudLight Mike got his name from Molly one of our old crew, because he drinks Vodka..... I'm kidding, he's a Budlight fanatic... It was a wild scene The UNH football coaches were there, all in all a lot of good friends.. People I was reacquantied with from my past, new friends, old ones, almost all of them I love... well...who am I kidding, I don't even like half of them... But last nite was a special one, the end of an era.... Ok so I've cried 5 more

Thank you all!!!!! It was a great run..... But another chapter is over.... Geez I haven't teared up this much since I watched "Brian's Song in 1973... I gotta go, I've spent the entire day alone in the Fan and I'm drained. Oh one more thing, some moron called and asked if I could make him a pizza or are you really closed... AAARRRGGGHHHH...

Who are these people anyways..... and where were they for the past 4 years......
I want to thank every single customer that came in, some of you are or became good friends... Doug, Donna & Lisa our Friday night regulars, Jim & Colleen who took Billy Cal and me their wings. Chuck & Robin, who a nicest people around. Doug & Robin and the girls Jenna & Brittney. Tony, Dominque, Angie & Peter. The Jew Crew... Peric, Allison, Dave, Shelly, Iyla, Ronnie, etc.. Lee, Mark, Lisa & Ed. Kim & Billy, Jess & Bird. Kenny G, The Packer Girls Kate, Kim, Megan, & Corey.. Don, Jeff & the Turncoat Vince... Harold, Harold & Rod... Geri, Jess, Joanne, Wynn, Steve, Jenn, Shelly, Rick.... There's too many to list... Jeff the Flyer man... Bruce T, JP & Art, Jen, Laura & Drew. Artie, Onzio, Todd Carroll and his wife. Frannie & Anthony. I'm forgetting them all but Thank you !!!
(click on any picture for a clearer and larger view....)
The light is dimming....... See ya soon....