I'd have to say.... domestic chores are bad for you.... Of course, that's my opinion... I am a homeowner, been one for 15 years.... Those chores never go away....
For instance, my wife wants to redo our bedroom, it hasn't been updated for the 15 years we've been in the house. I think it's time... So she was working, (Flight attendant for an airline that will remain nameless), so she's flying International these days, and she will be coming home around 9:30pm on my only day off of the week. She mentions something about ripping up the carpet, and putting a new area rug down... I'm ok with that... So she leaves and I decide that I am going to rip up the carpet for her as a treat, so when she gets home it will all be done... I'm a nice guy...right? Actually, the truth is, ripping up the carpet with her help, (she's no sissy who's worried about her nails), and having her carry the heavy stuff, (she's stronger than me and can outrun me), is so much better than moving all the furniture myself, ripping the old carpet up myself, and reorganizing the room by myself.. right??? Well, not exactly, because she's also smarter than me, so her constant correcting of my ripping up techniques would get me frustrated... I'll just do it myself....
The room is only 10x9, so how long can it take, 20 minutes? Maybe 30 minutes, definitely no more than 45 minutes, right???
My plans were to get up, grab a cup of coffee with my buddies, then rip up the carpet, cut the lawn then get in a round of golf. Eat a nice meal, shower and be ready for her to see the surprise when she gets home, no, not having the carpet out, but seeing me clean from a shower.... (Just kidding)...
I woke up, grabbed that coffee, cut the lawn, and then proceeded to attack the carpet, checking the clock it's 11:30am... I should be on the golf course by 2pm....

It's now 1pm, I have two small cuts on my hand, my knees are killing me and I've misplaced the hammer for the third time.... but all the furniture is out of the room except the TV, (of course...I can't do anything without the TV on), and the bed, which I will move around to get access to the carpet....
The actual art of pulling up the carpet is a breeze, it's the tack board that has been nailed into the floor for 20 plus years that will require a little labor... you know.. the kind of labor that drains me of a bucket of sweat, I've ripped up the carpet, cutting it in 2 foot rolls, opening my bedroom window and throwing it out over the shrubs... All the while two of my cats are sniffing at the door.... (apparently their afternoon nap on our bed has been interupted).. now besides the carpet, and that tack board, (3 more small cuts)... the foam and the staples that hold the foam cushion to the floor need to be removed...
It's 3:15pm... golfs out for the day.... almost done, (2 more cuts)... where's the pliers now....?
The room has been de-carpeted, tacks are gone, staples cleaned out, floor swept and mopped, (ok I didn't mop but I swept real good).... Job is complete...... it's now 5:45pm time for dinner...
Since I worked so hard I'm gonna treat myself to a Kintchley's Pizza... Pepperoni & Meatball... maybe chase it with a box of double chocolate Milano cookies....
Time for bed.... midnite...
12:42am... Still awake... half watching a movie .....
1:27am... Awake... could care less about the movie...
2:28am.. dosed off I think... Thirsty as heck.... down a bottle of Glaceau Vitamin water.. (50/50)
3:48am... Feel like I haven't slept, maybe a little though.... Still thirsty... drink more fluids
5:21am... too much fluids, gotta pee now....
6:01am... "Go away Bobby.. it's too early to be fed..." Bobby is my male cat, who takes it upon himself to check the clock and decide he the other two girls want breakfast...

6:06am... "Stop it.."
6:11am... "Leave me alone.."
6.23am... "Alright... I'm up..."
6:28am... back in bed, cats are eating....
Had a rough nite sleeping. It had to be the whole carpet thing.... Plus I moved to bed by the window and I just didn't feel right sleeping that way... It couldn't have been the pizza... no... of course not...
I can't wait until next week when I get to paint and spackle.......